Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New Google Groups GUI SUCKSSSSSS

I tried the new Google Groups GUI.

Out of my 12 groups, 6 of that I manage, I could access only three.

go figure.

I wrote a feedback or two, needless to say, no one got back to me.

when will Google get back to be a technology driven company, that simply delivers?

Google Groups removing direct adding of members

Google groups removed a few months ago the possibility to add members directly to a group.
this suck.

I maintains a number of groups as mailing lists, for every day's mom & dad things.

having to have the users go through invitation and registration is simply no-go for 20-60% of the crowd, depending on the age of them.
Google, like in other recent changes - most notably the change in filter-forward i wrote about,
keep on picking easy ways out, to as if "improve" security and privacy, at the cost of killing its products.

there are many other ways Google could have taken to mitigate the potential hazard of spams using Google groups, but they didn't.

the problem is - there is no service that is a good free mailing list (forum and stuff is just a bonus) out there. nada.