Monday, November 18, 2019

While Google Drive is shameful, DropBox is practically out of control

Welcome back! I guess I am too damn tired to write, here on in my Remo is tired twin blog...

But, here I am.

I complained here, a while back, about how shameful Google Drive is.
It's was so bad, I actually never bothered to recheck it. I don't usually believe in miracles, and I have no reason to believe it went to any hopeful direction.

Maybe it's not as bad with regard to cloud storage, integration with google apps, etc. This is their bread and butter. But for "DropBox like" service, i am still waiting.

But  - after quite a few years I was relatively happy with DropBox, I got to a point I am so frustrated with them, I am open to other suggestions.

I decided that I need a cloud based solution to store all my stuff. from kids home work, to excel file I scratch, and of course - all the tons of generated media, photos and videos.

This is a massive set of data. We reached the vicinity of 750GB.

Clearly, this is not a space I could reach with the free bonuses.. (I was close to 100GB!)
So, I took the plunge and signed for the 1TB program (yearly cost just under 100$/y).

The problem is that such volumes are too big for the original concept of DropBox.
Obviously you can't just duplicate such a blob into any connected device.
So - DB came up with Selective-Sync. It allows you to opt out on sub-folders.
Basically, it's a nice idea. only that it works awful.

When you link a new device, it by default syncs all. then, after it started you configure the selective sync, which takes forever to update and your'e half dead when until it manage to pull out of it.

The design flaws and implementation fails of DB are countless.

They are not design for big folders. and my folder, of less than a TB is really not that big.